Chaparral Herbicide
Chaparral Herbicide
Specialized broad-spectrum weed, brush and grass management
Chaparral™ herbicide is the broadest-spectrum weed and brush control product available for rangeland and pastures. It is the simple answer for several significant, unique needs, such as reducing the impact of toxic fescue through seedhead suppression and improving hay quality by removing Pensacola bahiagrass from bermudagrass.
Better pastures, better performing cattle
Chaparral™ herbicide helps increase overall forage production and utilization. As a fescue toxicosis management tool, Chaparral can help improve forage quality for improved cattle health and performance.
Better, more convenient buckbrush control
Chaparral delivers a more effective option for controlling buckbrush, other woody plants and broadleaf weeds and offers other features that make it a good choice for the land. With Chaparral, ranchers get a wide window of application on buckbrush; control of other shrubs and weeds often found in the same plant complex, such as absinth wormwood (wormwood sage) and Canada thistle; and a level of residual weed activity not available with other options for buckbrush control.
Take out the toughest weeds
Chaparral controls many broadleaf weeds that other herbicides miss, including pigweed, hoarycress (whitetop), buckbrush, absinth wormwood (wormwood sage), Canada thistle, Missouri goldenrod, houndstongue, wild carrot, giant hogweed and many others.